You’ve probably received a call, email, or text from us, but we want you to know that open enrollment for 2022 has started and it’s time for us to help you either renew your coverage or make changes to your current plan — or shop for a new one!
During open enrollment, those who are unable to have health insurance through an employer can contact us — we can help you and/or your family enroll in a health plan, change to a different plan, renew your current plan either from a private insurer or from the Marketplace.
Open enrollment for 2022 started November 1st and has been extended until January 15th, 2022. For your coverage to be effective on January 1st, participants must enroll by the original December 15th deadline, however. Those who enroll after December 15th but before the January 15th extended deadline will have coverage effective on February 1, 2022.
We can help find you affordable health plans that help you stay healthy and active plus we also help determine if you are eligible for cost-sharing assistance or premium tax credits that can also help lower your monthly premium.
We’re proud to be called the number one health insurance agency in Coral Springs and Parkland!
Let’s get you covered today! Give us a call — our agents are ready and waiting to help!