Unlike other purchases you make in life like buying clothes or a new toothbrush, purchasing health insurance could get complicated. There are a ton of options and a lot of places where to find coverage. There are also a lot of abbreviations and fine print that can confuse even the most knowledgeable person.
So, while you can just go on the Healthcare.gov marketplace and be inundated with information or contact an insurance company and probably be placed on hold for an hour, there are other options and that includes talking to us at Florida Healthcare Insurance.
There are a variety of everyday benefits on why you should contact us. Here are just a few:
- We are local and understand the needs of Florida residents.
- We have been doing this for a long time. Around since 2002.
- We offer personalized plans for individuals and families in a matter of minutes.
- We partner with all the major insurance companies including Cigna, Aetna, Humana, and Florida Blue.
- We offer 24/7 customer support.
Getting accurate and understandable answers to your questions is essential for any purchase you make. That’s even greater when it comes to your health.
Our team will provide the customer service you are looking for so you are making the right decisions and not the decisions that you will walk away questioning.
We will help you make the right decision as if we were making it for ourselves.
See for yourself and give us a call at 954-282-6891.