How important is it to know local insurance broker? Surfing the Net and finding a great site with good information? The page looks good and it’s easy to read. Do they have hundreds of Five Star Reviews on Google? Are they independent insurance agents? If you’re looking for a trusted broker with local insurance agents who are independent agents that take the time to work with you, then give contact us. Then it’s time to make the step to getting insurance with an insurance company. Take the first step: Know Your Local Insurance Broker. Know Your Local Insurance Agent.
I don’t know how many times I have heard this refrain from people trying to buy insurance online from an independent insurance agent: “I hate talking to insurance agents on the phone.” While that might be the case, if you get a quote from an online insurance company or independent agents, it only makes sense to pick up the phone and call them if you need to shop insurance. Who better is there to answer your questions about the insurance company than an agent or broker?
Sure it’s sometimes difficult to just talk to a stranger about your personal health conditions, but if you need insurance, it’s important to contact the agent or broker, or independent agents who can help you with your insurance options. For the best coverage, this is what you have to do to get what you want. If you want a health insurance package that makes sense for you, or for you and your family, calling the insurance agent or broker to get more in-depth information is a smart move.
You want to get a quote from a professional-looking website; one that is clean and easy to navigate and has lots of interesting information on it, that also offers insurance options and lists the right coverage you need. It doesn’t matter the number of policies sold or insurers the independent agent has. You’ll want to make sure the independent agent offers coverage like Medicaid services and insurers that offer coverage for your health, business, and more. But more that than, you want to get an instant quote; a quote that is relevant to the area in which you live. Why focus on the area where you live? Quotes from health insurance brokers/agents where you live are much more relevant in terms of being tailor-made to your needs. In addition, if you know your local insurance broker they usually have a keen knowledge of which plans cover certain doctors/hospitals, which are good with claims, and which don’t employ anyone who speaks English.
Big box insurance companies online can still sell you policies, but they have no clue, and could care less, about what hospitals in your area are the best, which doctors provide various procedures in demand and which don’t; and more importantly, who pays their claims on time and who does not.
This is insider information that a local agent or independent agent would have.
The local agent knows their area inside out, is licensed to sell insurance to a business or companies or a person, and can help you qualify for the right coverage you need. Your agent should represent the community, and provide insight into the Marketplace, and other companies that offer insurance to a shop or business, or employees. And once they know what you are looking for in terms of a reasonable insurance package and they know your medical concerns, they can find you the best deal locally. It’s very smart to do a deal for health insurance locally, and then be able to get personal service later. Those are the two things for which people surfing the Net for insurance want to find: a good package for a reasonable price and personal service.
So the next time you happen to be surfing online for a health insurance broker, choose a site that really has a professional presence, has good information that you can use right away (even if you don’t buy insurance yet), offers you good service, and is local. Calling that local broker will be the best financial decision you ever made.
About FHI-Florida Healthcare Insurance helps clients find high-quality insurance for individuals, families, and business. Our licensed agents and brokers are among the best in Florida. We do not employ any captive agent. When you enroll you will have an agent/brokers for life. To contact one of our agents to start your search or for a quote simply call 954-282-6891. An agent from our company is eager to speak with you. Please note we are not an auto insurance company.